We had an amazing meeting yesterday at East Herts Speakers with excellent speeches, helpful evaluations, interesting table topics and lots of fun. We were also delighted to have with us our Area Director – Voytek.

John, our president opened the meeting and mentioned the importance of “power of 3”. Additionally, he invited us to 3 upcoming events:


Our meeting continued with one liner jokes from our Jokemaster Anna – “a blind man walks into a bar, and a table, and a chair”, “my boss told me to have a nice day so I went home”. Anna made everyone laugh and created wonderful atmosphere for the meeting ahead.

Adrian delivered his first speech the Icebreaker, he spoke about his childhood, origins and professional life. Adrian made a great start he delivered the speech with confidence, minimum use of notes and enthusiasm. Stuart L. also made a great start on Pathways with his Icebreaker. In his speech he took us all the way back to his birth. Apparently, “little Stuart” helped his mother to avoid 6 years of hard labour! Stuart is a brilliant speaker and we couldn’t expect anything less, he was very entertaining and made fantastic use of vocal variety.  Donia completed Level 2 on Pathways with speech on mentoring, she pointed out the differences between coaching & mentoring and  had a quick quiz for the audience to test the understanding. Donia’s stage presence and delivery were exceptional. Our last speaker Steve C. has also completed Level 2 with the speech on mentoring. Steve’s speech had a theme from the movie Wizard of Oz. Throughout the speech he described how his boss-m entor helped him to develop his brain, nerve and heart. The speech was creative, the delivery was outstanding and the audience were amazed!

Stuart W. held his first Table Topics session with a theme “Life at work”, the questions were very interesting and 4 fine contestants Mark, Paul, Chris and Clint took part.

All the evaluations were encouraging and inspiring from Tamara, Mark, Paul, Voytek and Stephen. Chris counted our Ahs and Ums, Rebecca did a great job keeping time and Mariela shared brilliant observations as our Grammarian, the word of the day was “enliven” (meaning make (something) more entertaining, interesting, or appealing) and it was used numerous times. Liz gave very helpful tips to the people who were performing roles as a General evaluator and Ekong our Toastmaster of the evening had an exceptional performance.

Our best speaker award went to Steve C., our best evaluator was Mark and our best Table Topics speaker was Paul.

What a fantastic evening, I cannot wait for the next meeting on 7th of May!

Please click here for details of our next club meeting

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